

m/s Reana  ( SEBW ) är såld !


Namn:                           REANA (1982)Ex. Shell 21 (1930), Reana (1943), BP XVI (1948), BP 16 (1963)
Signalbokstäver:          SEBW
MMSInummer:            265749910
Typ:                                Fritidsmotorskepp  Ex. Tankmotorfartyg
Byggnationsår:             1929 Marstrand Mekaniska verkstad ( Grebbestad / Lysekil )
Land:                              Sverige
Material:                        Stål
Dödvikt:                         50
Maskinstyrka:               127 Hp
GrossTon:                      37
NettoTon:                      13
Största längd:               15,06 m
Största bredd:               5,04 m
Djupgående (Lastad):   1,77 m




REANA 1999 – Fotograf: Matsson, Kjell Ove (Sjöhistoriska)
BP 16 – 1973 Fotograf: Fogelberg, Bernt (Sjöhistoriska)
BP 16 – 1972 Fotograf: Fogelberg, Bernt (Sjöhistoriska)
BP 16 – 1966 Fotograf: Fogelberg, Bernt (Sjöhistoriska)

2 reaktion på “Bakgrundsfakta

  1. David Dougherty

    I read your comment to The Narrowboat Experience and noticed that you referred to translating Swedish to a ”civilized language” and objected. While I am an American and English is the only language that I have mastered, English is more of a common or universal language than a ”civilized” one. French may still be somewhat of a common language, to a declining degree, but that does not make one language inherently better than another. I can read and write German and speak it in a fumbling manner, but it just is my shortcoming; nothing to do with the language.
    Otherwise, I found your long posting interesting. I am thinking of living full time in an RV (caravan in British English) when I retire, soon, and trying to anticipate the problems. You mentioned several which haunt me.

    1. reana Inläggsförfattare

      Hello David,
      point taken, however I am a Swede myself, not the vegetable one, but I have a sense of humor that most likely is a trifle too dry. I would say that most languages are civilized, most likely even Klingon, Sindarin and Quenya for those who have mastered them.
      I am ”quite” fluent in Swedish since I am a Swede, my line of work along with the similarities in between Swedish, Norwegian and Danish makes them fairly easy to understand and to a limited degree speak. German is also in part quite close to Swedish, so I understand quite a bit, but do not speak much. During highschool I went to classes in Spanish, and I was at that time able to understand and speak quite a bit, but that is indeed a dim and distant past by now.
      And English as you say, it is a common language, but so is Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and those are not alone.
      You have a point in that there is not anything that makes a language less civilized. I did put the ”civilized” in-between citation marks to imply a joke.
      As an example, I guess you have seen the muppets show, and the Swedish Chef, the chef no matter how proficient in the kitchen does not speak Swedish, but something that sounds like speaking a nordic language whilst having a spoonful of hot gruel in your mouth.
      And I have several friends abroad saying that Swedes sound a little bit like that, be it the Danish have a bigger spoonful and the Norwegian a smaller one, and the latter also being extremely happy about everything 😉 The musicality of the language makes non speakers get a feel for the sound and not the language.

      All in all, you have a point, I could have expressed myself differently.

      I am glad you found the post interesting, and yes 🙂 I have a tendency to write whole novels when I get around to actually write comments.

      Water is ever a problem, and rain can assist quite a bit for technical water, and probably in some parts be used for drinking water as well. I am not finished with the installation onboard Reana, but I will make a post out of it. I do however have a solution at the moment which is a dehumidifier, during summer it produces at least 15 – 20 liters a day, whilst it during wintertime produces a mere 5 liters.
      The benefit however is that it part from assisting with the humidity it also acts as a 300W heating source.

      The sewage is also an issue, but you have in the US a company that have good solution, the ECO-John incinerator toilet. There are similar companies in Europe making these things, but currently they only have propane or electric incinerators, and I would much more prefer a diesel type, and I will replace my toilet for an incinerator in due time. The environmental legislation prohibiting any pumping of sewage overboard within the Baltic.

      It was very nice of you to stop by and write your comment, I enjoyed answering it, and I wish you good luck with the RV, when you have a mobile home, no matter if it is land bound or floating, one always have something to do.

      By the way, are you by any chance a hamradio operator ? ( If so, 73 de SM6WYG)


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